Guide to Regions
The Massachusetts Chapter of NASW is divided into six regions. The first 3 numbers of your zip code determine your region:
- Berkshire - 012
- Central - 014, 015, 016
- Greater Boston - 017, 020, 021, 022, and 024
- Northeast - 018, 019
- Pioneer Valley - 010, 011, 013
- Southeast - 023, 025 through 029
Is Serving on an NASW Regional Council For You?
- Do you want more networking with colleagues and a supportive environment to get feedback on your ideas?
- Do you want to help promote the image of the professional social worker?
- Are you angry and depressed about current and proposed human services cuts?
- Would you like to learn about certain topics but can't find continuing education programs on those subjects?
- Do you want added information about private practice and reimbursement?
- Do you enjoy planning educational programs?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then serving on a Regional Council will enrich your life.
For more information, click on your region (in list above), and then call or email the contact person listed for your region.